Building a small uboot, Linux and rootfs for ARM Cortex M7

Using STM32F769i Discovery board


I used to work with 8051/2 and Microchip PIC18/24. Comparing them with recent MCU like ARM Cortex M, the M4/M7 has so much more processing power and the ability to access much more memory resources.

This is a short documentation about my findings on building uboot, Linux kernel and root file systems for the STM32F769i discovery board.

Latest stable Uboot 2104 config for ARM Cortex M7 to boot from internal flash
Latest (as of 1st July 2021), Linux Kernel 5.13


  1. uBoot: Disable Falcone Mode
  2. Linux kernel: Change DRAM address to 0x0c000000 and size to 0x01000000
  3. Rootfs: Based on default config for stm32f469

There are four lines of uBoot commands:

setenv bootargs console=ttySTM0,115200 earlyprintk consoleblank=0 ignore_loglevel
fatload mmc 0 0xc0000000 zImage
fatload mmc 0 0xc0500000 rootfs.cpio.uboot
bootz 0xc0000000 0xc0500000 0x081c0000
It loads kernel & rootfs from mmc, dtb from internal flash
Boots takes 1.45sec and ready for login

Preparing uBoot


tar xzf u-boot-v2021.04.tar.gz

cd u-boot-v2021.04

make stm32f769-disco_defconfig

make menuconfig

From “SPL/TPL” uncheck “Activate Falcon Mode”

Save & exit

CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- ARCH=arm make -j 8

The binaries we need are “u-boot.bin” and “spl/u-boot-spl.bin”

Preparing Linux Kernel


tar xJf linux-5.13.tar.xz

cd linux-5.13

CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- ARCH=arm make stm32_defconfig

CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- ARCH=arm make menuconfig

update “System Type” > “DRAM Base” = 0xc0000000 and “DRAM Size” = 0x01000000

uncheck “Boot options” -> “XIP Kernel”

CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- ARCH=arm make -j 8

The files we need are zImage and stm32f769-disco.dtb

Preparing rootfs with Buildroot


tar zxf buildroot-2021.05.tar.gz

cd buildroot-2021.05

Since there is no default configs for stm32f769, will based on stm32f469 instead

make stm32f469_disco_defconfig

make menuconfig

update “Target options” -> “Target Architecture Variant” = cortex-M7

check “Filesystem images” -> “TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIO_UIMAGE”

Not fix.. KNOW PROBLEM: Kernel Headers only have Linux 5.12.x, it would be good if it has 5.13, anyway 5.12.x header still works for the case.

Save & exit

make -j 8

the file we need is “output/images/rootfs.cpio.uboot”

Using it

Here is how the memory map looks like,

Here is how it looks like from uboot to prepare kernel to boot from,


I won’t be able to do all that without the follow blog/people/projects who kindly share their knowledge online. Thank you very much and you might find they are useful too.

  1. STM32F746 Discovery and U-boot | Clockwork Bird (
  2. STM32 –
  3. buildroot-labs.pdf (
  4. Building uClinux for STM32F7 Discovery board | A else B (
  5. STM32F769I-disco_Buildroot/Makefile at master · fdu/STM32F769I-disco_Buildroot · GitHub
  6. Build Linux for STM32F769I DISCO Using Buildroot // Embedded Linux (
  7. Linux Boot Options on STM32F769I DISCO // Embedded Linux (
  8. STM32F7 SOM Release 2.4.0 Resource Directory (
  9. Building uClinux for STM32F7 Discovery board | A else B (
  10. (5) Cross-Compiling GCC Toolchain for ARM Cortex-M Processors | LinkedIn
  11. Buildroot with Raspberry Pi – U-Boot (

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